Every year, nearly 3000 children and teens die from gunfire, and nearly 14,000 are injured.

Saturday, March 31, 2012

17-year old boy shot by police in Charleston

Carlton Lamont Pringle, age 17
A 17-year old Charleston, South Carolina boy, Carlton Lamont Pringle, is recovering after having been shot by police.  A surveillance video showed the shooting, which seems to corroborated the police account that the boy had a 9mm gun and turned to shoot at the officer who was chasing him.  One of the boy's Facebook pictures also shows the boy with a 9mm handgun.  Despite this, the family claims Carlton wasn't the sort.

From the article:

Surveillance video of the shooting, taken from a business at the corner of Gaynor Street and Hock Avenue, shows Pringle running and turning briefly toward Dipaolo, who then fires his sidearm. Critics said the video’s quality is too poor to discern whether Pringle had a gun and pointed it. 
As Pringle writhes on the pavement, Dipaolo holds him a gunpoint and kicks something onto the grass toward himself. Police officials later would release a photo of a Hi-Point 9 mm lying on the grass. 
The gun they say Pringle had pointed at Dipaolo bears resemblance to the one he holds in his left hand and points toward the camera in the Facebook photo. A friend smokes beside him as they both display their middle fingers. 
Capt. Scott Deckard, a police spokesman, said detectives were of aware of the photo, but they do not know if it features the same gun they collected from the shooting scene Sunday.

Every gun in the hands of a child must first pass through the hands of an adult.

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